Youtube Profit Plan

Learn how to use data to double your Youtube revenue without wasting time on strategies that don't work.

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Your Instructor


Hi! I'm Jia, founder of and the youtube channel Marriage & Motherhood. I'm a working mom, mother of two beautiful girls and the wife of an awesome husband. I started my YouTube channel after years of doubting weather I could jump into this area. I finally took the leap of faith and I haven't looked back. I struggled at first, trying to learn all the different aspects of creating and sharing my content with so much trial and error. I was so overwhelmed! I want you to teach you all the things I discovered along my journey so you can avoid the hurdles and challenges I faced. My goal when I designed this course is to guide and instruct you on everything needed from creating an account to uploading your first video. Start your journey to becoming a Creator with me today!

Courses Included with Purchase

Overcome your Fear of the Camera

Original Price: $19

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